Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Royal Wedding

A gloroius day in London and the rest of the country, each soaking up the joy emanating from the happy couple and me where I feel very at home, swaying with crowds and cheering on the Royal procession, by myself but never alone. Arriving at 6am meant I was still about 6 rows back in the thronging crowds, the images captured on teetering tip toes and live view which for most of us ended up being humourously misjudged till I found this gem amongst them.

Whilst the pages of your papers are heaving with perfect images of the day, this will always remain so precious to me, a once in a lifetime Blip.

Cheers to my favourite city in the World, my hometown, for hosting such a momentous event and long into the night when back in the countryside with my sister Geraldine, watching the TV coverage I hadn't yet seen ironically after a right old knees up in the pub. I couldn't persuade her to join me as she had for the Free Mandela concerts way back, or the Brazil-France in Paris dancing on the Champs Elysees til dawn then back to my desk in London by lunchtime and I think she somewhat regretted it.

I have never known the entire country to feel so happy. It sways and radiates joy, like the endless sunny Spring days feeling much like summer that have blessed this trip, back to celebrate Dad's 75th. It's overwhelming gorgeous.

How fortunate was I to be there on the Mall watching the procession and then by the luck of the police crowd control, to be swept moments from the Palace gates and that all too anticipated first kiss. Were it not for the boys being away from me for a few days, it would have been utter perfection.

To be in a moment of great history I feel quite honoured, there by myself as I'd been for Diana's memorial. If only I'd had one of those huge zooms with me and not a pack of memory cards that kept reading full. Delete, delete, quick!

Fairytales do come true...

PS If you'd like a copy, let me know and I'll email you upon my return to LA on May 4th.

PPS Reuben's 4th birthday on Monday and to be joined by Sarah (mog70). Staying at the Trafalgar in London Sun-Wed, so if any Blippers out there would like to meet up, let me know.

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