Click goes the Shutter

By RomaWhaup

Dougal gate

More difficult decisions! This good weather makes for good photos.

I chose this 'still life' rather than one of the photos with wildlife (yes, I did manage to capture a pair of mallards and a heron landing!!) because I liked the simple lines at different angles and it looking like a 'Dougal gate' at first sight. They never fail to amuse me - Magic Roundabout fans will know what I mean.

Further research has made me go back to an earlier belief and say that the strange bird call at the High Pond was a Dabchick (Little Grebe) after all and not a green woodpecker.

Good news in the nesting box - one bluetit slept in it last night and this morning one bird came in and popped a small grub into the other bird's mouth. It looked more like a parent-child action than that of mates - more research required.

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