All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Oh what a night!

10.30pm last night. Time for me to put my book down, turn the lights out and snuggle up to sleep. Only ..... wwaaaaah .... comes belting out of the baby monitor, very loudly and very insistently. Hubbie was still up, so he went through to Ethan to try to settle him. Two hours of screaming, a bottle of milk and lots of cuddles later he finally succeeded. Ouch! Ethan also cried out loudly a lot during the night but self settled within a few minutes. At 7.30am he started yelling loudly again so I got up and went to heat up his milk. By the time I got back upstairs it had all gone quiet again until he finally woke properly at 7.50am. Normally this would be a great lie in for us, if only we hadn't had the 2 hour screaming battle earlier.

We all just chilled out this morning and then just before lunchtime I took Ethan down to Morrisons. He fell asleep in his pushchair just before we got back to the house. And carried on sleeping, and some more, and some more. Nearly 3 hours later hubbie decided we really should wake him up as he wanted us to go to the shops! I can't remember the last time Ethan has napped that long during the daytime but guess it was due to his unsettled night.

After a trip to a flooring shop and Dobbies, we headed to Tobys Carvery at Bathgate for dinner. Ethan sat nicely in his highchair playing with the crayons the staff gave him .... for all of 10 minutes. Then he wanted down ... to walk all round the restaurant. Although we did manage to get him to eat some food he just wanted to be on his feet the whole time. We managed to finish our main course but decided it wasn't worth trying to stay longer to have desert too. Shame cos I was really looking foward to their crumble with a jug of bottomless custard!

Ethan had great fun in the bath tonight. When it's time for him to come out, I count "1-2-3" and he then puts his hands up for me to lift him out. Not tonight though. As soon as I counted "1" he would shake his head and burst out laughing! This went on for ages. He's a very determined wee boy and was making it quite clear he didn't want to get out!

I thought after his mammoth afternoon nap we'd have problems getting him to bed tonight. However, we've put him down, wide awake, only 20 minutes later than normal and so far there hasn't been a peep out of him. Hope it lasts all night!

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