Kaitlyn Louise

By kaitlynlouise

Bring on May.

I don't know whether to say if today was an epic fail or an amazing day. Since it was half and half. I guess an optimistic person would say it was an amazing day, despite all the flaws. But I'm clearly not an optimistic person like I thought.

This morning was amazing. I volunteered at this camp called "Anchor" today. It's for people with special needs and we got to play games with them. It truly was an amazing experience and I hope to sign up for the fall camp and become a permanent volunteer. Words can't even describe how amazing it was to see the look on all their faces trying to play the games. It's definitely something worth doing if you're into helping people with special needs.

Then this afternoon was alright. My face started getting really hot. I obviously got sunburn while out all morning. By 6:00 my cheeks and shoulders were bright red. I was so uncomfortable and felt like I was burning up when it wasn't even that hot out. I had plans to go to the fair again, but those plans decided to fall through. I guess perfect nights like last night can only last for so long. Now I remember why I'm so sick of this town and why I like to stay in on weekends.

This picture describes what I'm about to do for the rest of the night. I only have a few more chapters left of Waiting For You, so I want to finish it up tonight. And along with my book I have a nice, cold glass of root beer. I hate root beer.

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