1 Day Older

By nzredhead

Speech atop the hill

Today was a lovely day. Though the weather was not all that flash, we still managed to do our usual Sunday family outing. After a long and lazy morning, we went to the Riccarton Rotary market. There we met up with my family and a few friends. (I also had a really yum Tai red curry which Sebastian enjoyed too)

After the market we drove to Victoria Park and walked the remaining miles to the Sign of the Kiwi. The walk is still fine, earthquake and all. After a very yummy snack at the cafe atop the hill, we began the walk back down. Sebastian was so noisy!! He managed to get a few joggers to stop just so he could talk to them. This was taken as he was giving a speech to a passing group of cyclists.

Freaking love my baby. <3

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