What a tall tower!
I've struggled for 22 hours explaining the chapter 'What a tall tower!' to my 11 Grade 5 classes. "What a + adjective + noun +!" has given plenty of scope for imaginative abuse to be hurled around the classroom - "What a disgusting boy!" (pointing), "What an ugly monster!"(naming names). It's a struggle to keep them on topic with the agonisingly awkward conversation and hilariously shonky material we are teaching (I beg you to check here for a clip from the cd we use to bring these exciting classes to life! This is Nami explaining the concept of an egg to Jinho.).
Anyway - off topic!
Bern and I went to said Tall Tower in Seoul today - Namsan tower - which you can take a cable car to the top of and take a look at just how enormous Seoul is. There is a tradition that couples lock a padlock to the railings at the top to secure their love forever. There are banks and banks and banks of padlocks up there and some endearing messages too. Good day. And we managed to sell 2 year's accumulation of books in preparation for coming home. We've started looking around our flat and seeing just how many things you can acquire in a year. Yikes.
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