Red Letter Day
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to meee-eeee-eeeee
Happy birthday to me
35?!?!? How'd that happen?
I shall now spend the next wee while in a traditional manner - wondering why I haven't achieved anything wondrous int his life yet; getting my head down to some serious writing; before it all falls apart a month or so from now...
We headed for the hills after a relaxed morning (involving manga books; Paul Smith accoutrements; blu-rays that should have been dvds; genuine 1960s Hovis bread tins; bike polo shirts; a bike workstand; and a tea towel) to be without mobile signal, and with homemade pork pies and a lovely stash of cheese. As an added bonus there appeared to be an MG rally taking place.
Speaking of which, we also got talking (again) about the investment potential of a classic car. Triumph Spitfire is the frontrunner at the moment, and I've been instructed to keep my eye on the small-ads...
And as if that wasn't enough tomorrow is a day off which shall be spent on the bike and birding. Cracking. But really, people didn't have to throw street parties on Friday in honour of my birthday weekend, that really was a bit much. I appreciated it though. Thanks Britain!
Beautiful Cormorant
Quad Bike Dog
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