
By schlimm

The calm before the storm

it was, in more ways than one. I got to swimming so early that not a ripple had changed the surface of the water, it was just like a mirror.

The pool soon got busy with the usual parents and some new ones. After a little play we made it to a coffee morning which is always handy to keep the kids entertained. The afternoon was spent in the garden making new friends with some neighbour's children we hadn't met before because the kids had stayed indoors. Now I've had a rant before about the neighbours who have basically fenced themselves in. Well, unfortunately for my kids to meet their new friends they have to cross that garden. I don't really want my children to cross someone's private space (even if I think it's a bit ridiculous when every other drying green in the back garden is open for everyone to cross) but I would rather they stayed in the safety of the back garden than to go out along the pavement to reach their new friends' garden and company. Luckily one of the next door's neighbours was out and I was able to speak to him and ask kindly if they could possibly move one of the plantpots so that the kids could at least walk past their demarcation line without damaging any plants in the process and also to stay away from that hallowed patch of grass that is so dearly defended. I must stop, it upsets me and I hope that my plea will be heard. I will also try and have a look at what the deeds say about the drying green and am hoping that this will give me some material to further ask about at least a little opening for the kids to be able to play a little in the back garden.

The other more major storm came late at night when I discovered a text message from a dear friend, whose child had narrowly escaped death earlier that day. Somehow this puts my trouble with my neighbours into perspective. I'm glad the child is better now.

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