By paradoxicalove


Here's my dad. We have our differences but we're always learning to make it work.

Today was a great day with him. I played tennis in the morning really well, and after we went to Dunham's and bought some tennis balls. I thoroughly enjoyed playing with him after more than a year.

I came home, finished up the disk of House Season 2 while folding laundry and jazz.

I had a chat with a guy who moved to New York and gained some interesting perspective of what New York life was like - surprise chats are the best!

I decided to skip a robotics grill since most of my friends were at a review session anyway.

Then I decided to bike to Bath and Body Works with a tennis bud because I had a coupon. We met my friend who basically lives there, and spent about an hour just sniffing everything! I bought 4 yummy scents :]

I got hungry on the way to church and asked my dad to stop by a bakery; bought an ice bubble tea which I gave to my friend and a lemon cake thing.

Oasis was fine again; the big question was "Can all religions be right?"
I think no, because then they'd just cancel each other since some say there is only one God and some say there are multiple, or none. But there may be some truth in all religions total. Small group discussion went well too.

Kelly slept over. We watched House. Of course. What do you expect? ;)

Did I mention that the next entry is my blip birthday?!

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