simple moments

By simplemoments

stages of flight

went to a different park today... it has water, too, and the gulls were flying about. although we didn't get snow last night, it was windy and very cold with gray skies again.

i'm noticing with gulls - that they are much faster moving than my geese and ducks... they don't wait for you... they don't care if you talk to them, they'll ignore you like you're not there... there are no second chances... once they tire of you, they leave and don't come back.... boo!

therefore, most all my shots were crap... out of focus, out of range or out of view altogether. until i saw this one where i've managed to capture 3 in various stages of flight - wings out, up and down - or maybe they were just in the midst of an exercise routine... whatever, it's the only one that worked for me. good thing...

since towards the end of my little escapade i began feeling sick and had to call it to get back home.... have had chills and fever all day, with gracie curled up keeping me company. can't beat that so it still makes for a

happy day.....

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