
By blowfish


April showers bring May, uh, showers. my pants feel like a wet blanket, weighing me down with cold thighs. toes, jammed together and soggy. i am sorry that i am such a negative person, i am sorry that i always embrace failure after the first languishing chance of a mild success. lightning comes and just as fast as it strikes it goes and there it is, delved and halved into partitions of smoldering parallelism. the zoo was empty beneath the oppressive embrace of the gray sky. that is a bit hyperbolic, now isn't it? where does that connect with the links of negativity? i need to work on that. and so much more. but, really, it was devoid, it was all just non-space. the blue flashed parrot was the backup and maybe should have gone with that. i want sun in the afternoon and rain in the evening. all the time. lushery, thriving and robust and all of those other adjectives i over-employ. should have said 'implement' to really hammer that commonplace nail home. yesterday's brooding portrait of Leah has proved exceedingly difficult to follow for all of the obvious reasons. thus: the peak has piqued you all and thank you for that. and candlewicks will continue to hiss between moistened forefinger-thumb pinches. before they do, however, watch the way the smoke emanates from that orange beacon, that tiniest of lighthouses, and tell me what curlicues of scribery scratch themselves into the damp air before your still face.

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