Wandering Gypsie

By WanderingGypsie

Early Morning Reflections..

I was up way too early this morning. I'm feeling it now though..haha..

I didn't have the camera near me when i first got up.. the fog and morning sunrise over the lake was awesome..but i had tried to get some extra sleep that never happened. The time i was awake? 5:15-5:30am..finally completely gave up on sleep around 6:30am. The kids were up around that time anyway so i told them to get ready for school and go about their morning stuff.

I walked into the kitchen, looked out the window and the stream out back was so calm, beautiful reflections, i just knew i wanted it for my blip! lol! so went, grabbed the camera..(low battery flashing and all lol) and snapped about 5 pictures of different angles & zooms (the best i can with what i've got). This is the best one of the lot. The first picture i took reminded me a bit of the one i took a couple days back.

Anyway, morning reflections in more than one way. I wasn't hired on at the Olive Garden.. i'm really beginning to see a pattern. Every time i apply for work -retail or food service, i always seemed to get blocked. Seriously EVERY time. So this is making me wonder, what in the world am i supposed to be doing. I know what i'd love to do..but really, not much money in it..and i'm not all that great at it either lol.. so it'll stay a hobby. I'm just very much feeling "now what?" and rather snippy/crabby.

at least the view was nice this morning ;)

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