All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Digging, digging and more digging

11 hours sleep from Ethan last night which in the normal scheme of things is an average night from him. He came into bed with us at 6.30am for his bottle of milk and then read lots of books whilst snuggled up to us. Hubbie then got up and took him in to nursery at 8am, whilst I enjoyed a leisurely breakfast.

Once hubbie got back though the leisure time was over and the hard work began. We had a dilema. Our first proper Ethan free day where he was at nursery but we weren't at work. So many things needing done around the house - where to start? Oh I know, let's not do anything in the house but tackle the garden! The garden was seriously neglected last year as hubbie isn't really one for gardening and tends to leave it all to me. Not that I know much about gardening, but last year I was too busy with Ethan as a newborn to do anything other than the occasional mow of the lawn. So today was spent cutting the grass and trying to chop down some very wild and overgrown bushes. Hubbie then made about 6 trips back and forth to the local recycling centre with all the branches. This took us till 4pm and there is still lots more needing done but enough was enough for one day.

Picked up Ethan earlier than usual from nursery and played in the back garden with him before dinner. It was really nice to be able to get so much done today but even better to be able to pick him up early too.

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