Family of Mimis

And another one makes 4!
Kerr has been blipped before with his family of Mimis'.

Kerrscousins kindly gave him another Mimi on Saturday when they came to visit - the tiny wee one on the right. He now has Mummy Mimi, Daddy Mimi, Boy Mimi and Baby Mimi. He loves them all and insists on having all of them in bed with him. He would take them all out with him too if he was allowed, but only gets to take one. As you can see from the photo, the two most loved Mimis are Mummy and Daddy. Probably because they have decent sized tails which Kerr loves to sniff when he goes to sleep. Strange boy!

It was a public holiday today but unfortunately I had to work. Kerr went to Gran and Grandpa's as usual, then they went off to Strathaven park with Abigail and Lucy and my sister for a picnic and a lovely afternoon in the sun. Lucky them!

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