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By mly

Thinkin' outside a box

Today has been one of those days when you just get things done around the apartment - like unpacking things and getting rid of the boxes (finally!). So, since there was nothing much else interesting to take pictures of, I decided to show off cat number two, Rennie. She's three weeks younger than Tiggy, and about 1.5 kg lighter - not only because of genes now that Tiggy's expecting ;) Actually, Rennie's father's mother is Tiggy's older sister (same mum and dad, different litter), but they are two completely different personalities. This one is little miss Cuddly - start scratching her belly and she falls over instantly, purring loudly. Endearing quality that :) She's also the one that keeps waking us up in the mornings through putting her soul into washing our hair, purring and scratching the blanket/nudging our shoulders long enough for us to let her under the blanket för some cuddles. She's our little doll really :)

I'm sorry for not having commented anywhere for a while, but I still have green and pink pixels all over my screen and so really can't see much at all of the wonderful pictures all of you guys are posting :( Start to making a list of what I need to upgrade my compy... maybe go Mac?

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