Follow the Arrow
On the way to work (day 2 on the bike - in case you need reminding) there is this funky new hotel next to the Bella Center. It is not yet finished but near enough that they can remove the colour coded tape that I presume helped them put the right glass in the right window. At least I think that's what Tarzan* here is doing.
The Bella Center was the stage for the climate conference a couple of years ago. So this is a little bit of after-the-fact problem solving from the usually pragmatic danes - the security arrangements were complicated by the fact the nearest hotel was not that near at all. Oprah, Obama and all caused no end of traffic nightmares during their stay.
I'll get another picture to put this in perspective later in the month. Talking of repeat shots, I tried yesterdays view with better settings and slightly different angle so I could justify my comment but it's not actually much different.
It rained for 40 minutes today and it takes me 35 minutes to cycle the 11km home - guess which 40 minutes it rained for?
See the arrow ?
*Tarzan is attached to the roof not the crane - just in case you're wondering.
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