everyday another photo

By sarahphilp

Holocaust Memorial

the guide book says - "Nestled between the Brandenburg Gate and Potsdamer Platz is the Memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe, designed by Peter Eisenmann and unveiled in 2005. This impressive monument comprises an undulating field of 2, 711 tightly packed stone monoliths that fills an entire block. You may wonder why it took Berlin so long to get around to building the monument, Yet with all the debate surrounding it - from the Government rejecting the original designs and the row about whether it ought also to honour other victims, to the scandal of the contract for graffiti-proof paint used on the stones being given to a firm whose sister company made the Zyklon B used in the gas chambers - it is a wonder that it ever got built at all."

Weel worth a visit and a walk through, it feels very good to come out the other side.

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