
By ausmossie

Good Looking Chicks

I was out and about on a 'walk and click' today when I discovered these being sold on the side of the street near a University. I heard the chirping which is sooooo cute and then followed the sound. I was astounded when I saw the colours and then thought about how they may have been made those colours and shuddered a little.

While I was standing there trying to get a good angle, two young girls came up and bought 2 of the chicks. They paid 4.5 yuan for 2 (.4 Euro). The lady picked up their purchase and just popped them into a plastic shopping bag and off they went. Just as I was leaving two young guys showed up and were also very interested.

I have no idea what Uni students will do with live chicks in their dorms and I don't want to know. Seemed like a 'fad' buy to me with little thought as to the future. We have all done that I am sure but these are live animals.

EDIT: Thanks to maxicute for the link in the comments which explains that the eggs are injected with a dye before they hatch.

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