Little Me - Big World...

By LittleLynn


Some days blips just find themselves.....other days you have to go out and look for them....

I could not think of anything to blip today, all I have done is go through my wardrobe and try and fling old things out....was harder than I first thought....did not get rid of very much at all.....

My mum, my sister and I went to a zumba class tonight. Was a good workout...think I will go back next week try tone up....see how well that goes.

After some looking around for a blip....left it to the last minute....woops!!

All I could find was this piggy-bank that I received as a present a few years ago....I believe that it was made by a German designer....thought it looked rather unusual....I now just use it to hold my easter bunny ears and a feather boa.

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