Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

It's you

Arrived home at the back of 8 this evening. Buncle started his new cub pack tonight...the Scout Hut is on my cycle route home so as he was just finishing I dropped in and cycled the rest of my route with him and Mr R:-)

When I arrived home the wee fella came running over to me with the picture he is holding declaring, 'It's you, it's you' . The Rooster informed me that he had drawn a picture for him of me:-/ Not quite sure how to take that...

This campaign needs to be over soon and it will be...these long hours are taking their toll...had to give several pep talks tonight about being nice to one another and it's not long now until they will see more of Mummy...six weeks is a long enough period when you're an adult it's an eternity when your a kid especially when the six weeks included three weeks of holiday's from's a long time for the Mr too having to deal single handed with the barmy army...yes it's all unraveling a wee bitty this evening...

However...not long now but there's work to be done before it's all over...

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