In Tru Life

By TruLife

Her Favourite New Dress!

I got Floriana a new Lil Bubba Things dress from The Baby Show on Sunday and since putting it on her yesterday she doesn't want to take it off, and has cried each time I've had to for swimming and bedtime. She pointed and cried out "Pleeeeeaaaaaase, pleeeeeaaaase!" as if heartbroken that I was taking it off. I think the fact that Madeleine ran up to her when she was wearing it yelling "ooooohhhhh she's soooooooo cute! Rock Chick, she's a rock chick!!!!!" contributed to her love of the dress!

Forgot to link my backblips...
My Day at The Scottish Baby Show
Lookin Good For 40!
My First Bump on The Noggin!
Happiness is...
The Science Festival...

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