Capital adventures

By marchmont

the new owner

this is my last back blip - I have now captured blips from early 2007 when we started using a digital camera.

Seems fitting the last one is Dave, sitting in the party room at La G, a room that he was so impressed by, in the glow of the setting sun with a glass of rose fizz in his hand, celebrating our new home, our new life, our French dream.

It had been a difficult morning - I had cold,cold feet and real, real doubts about what we'd done,a bit late. We sat in the kitchen and I felt awful. He said 'we'll sell (that'll be right!) but unexpectedly L and I came by and all of a sudden things looked brighter, I knew,or so I thought, I couldmake it work.

But they weren't brighter of course and I couldn't make it work. The die really was cast. Dave may have been there in body but he was already gone in spirit. Maybe I was prescient because that feeling of foreboding and dread I had when Iunlocked the door with the big key the previous lunchtime turned out to be so right. He'd started wrecking the dream 4 weeks earlier and NOTHING would or could be the same again.

But you'd never guess it looking at him, would you??

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