As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

You Look Like A Police Officer

I was told that I look like a police officer today...

New mile time and 800 time! 5:06 or 5:07 for the mile and 2:17 for the 800! I'm really happy about these times. Maybe I can break five by the end of the season...

Everyone ran well today. It was a great day to run and even though we were missing a lot of people, we still gave it our all. This is a fantastic picture of Stewy in the 4x400....he's going to be mad at me for this...

I GOT THIRD CHAIR!!!! I'm sooooooo excited! I've never sat this far up in all of my two years of MYO! Woo hoo!!!

Word of the Day: Purlieu - A place where one may range at large; confines or bounds

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