creative lenna

By creativelenna

next to the parking lot . . .

getting into my car on the back side of the parking lot today I saw all kinds of movement and fluttering of the other side of the fence. There must have been 4 or 5 herons and egrets, all white, enjoying the very jungle like conditions back there. There was even a huge truck parked right there too, probably for the restaurant, and even though it was running, it did not seem to phase the birds. I knew there was water back there as I had seen a small creek on the side of the road coming in.

Of course I had my camera with me . . . I had to put my lens through the fence to get any pictures, but I did and it was fun! There is a photo of the fence and a couple more of the bird in my Blipfolio. All I could think of was, "Only in Florida". A jungle-like habitat with tons of beautiful birds, right at the back of a parking lot!! This is nice viewed large . . .

May 3 art journal every day

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