
By Abbas

Name Plates and Identity

It is always quite satisfying to see one?s name written gracefully on a plate. When I looked at it for the first time, it gave me immense pleasure because one does not bother normally (in the routine life) to consider oneself as a qualified person let alone engineer.
When my students extend respect and regard in the form of greetings or being attentive audience to me, then I often look at myself with a sense of self liking. Perhaps man is a victim of narcissism and loves to have some recognition or identity.

I do not know much about it but what I do know is that such reminders are always welcome and work wonders.

Parents award a name to new born baby and as he grows, he makes his name bigger and bigger on the canvas of world till his death where again he needs an identity in the form of slab placed on his grave with his death date and name.
But this last identity is not for him but for others to know his whereabouts.

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