
By CleanSteve

The Moth and duck

I got up very early this morning with a slight sense of panic about getting my work done without my computer and the usual software. But it didn't stop me procrastinating.

Helena had a bath early and pointed out to me this moth, which was sitting cradled on the wing of the plastic duck on the bath edge. She does play with the duck, but really it is meant for visiting children. Bomble likes swiping at it in the water too, when he sits on the end of the bath, which he does very often to keep us company! Apparently the moth had been there for hours and it hadn't budged while Helena had her bath. I think it was the same moth that we noticed dive bombing the bedside light in our bedroom last night, which we had chatted about. We do get some wonderful late night visitations from the fields and woods behind the house all through the year. We are expecting May bugs very soon, which will come trundling in through the window.

I didn't see where the moth ended up last night and thought no more of it. By lunchtime, when I had managed to get a bit of my research done ready for my writing and planning a layout that would win me the job, I went to have a pee. I saw that the moth was still sitting there on the bath, but when I looked closely I noticed it's proboscis (I think that is what it is) had moved, so I surmised it must still be alive.

I grabbed my camera again and managed to get this rather unflattering shot of the duck and moth (sounds like a pub) on the bath.

At 3.30 pm, Matt from Grafx rang to say my iMac was fixed and ready to pick-up. I nearly kissed him down the phone, but I don't think he noticed and he probably gets that reaction all the time when he saves our lives (working, that is). So I rushed off to Cheltenham for the third time in three days, a drive of fifteen miles each way, and here I am back-blipping in celebration!

Hooray for Grafx, who I shall recommend yet again whenever I can. They have always delivered!

I also got an email from my old mate Ian Macpherson (in Kings Cross) telling me about a good music gig tomorrow night in Stroud! That is a good grapevine. I shall be there, although Helena will be in London. The musicians are Les Triaboliques, and they are playing at the Prince albert on Rodborough hill. Ian saw them last night and any recommendation form him is a must! Here is a review of them which he sent me too. It has an embedded video of them playing live.

Breaking news:
The moth has just hopped off the duck as evening approaches, Helena says. She added that we musty keep the toilet seat cover down at this time of year to stop them drowning!

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