Ebony and Ivory

The venue for yesterday's dreaded appointment was here - the dentist. That hook is for people who turn up 30 seconds late for their appointment.

I was told in August that I had a wonky gnasher that should come out. It's not been bothering me so I have been not bothering it but the nagging doubt that it might start to hurt, and I really don't 'do' hurt, pressured me to 'man up' and get it seen to.

I wasn't impressed when the dentist asked me 'so shall we do the extraction today', I mean what kind of a choice is that to offer me?? Fancy pulling out a bit of your body that's minding its own business right now? However, I entered the zone and said 'sure, rip away'.

The string was applied, the door was slammed and the red hankie was tied around my jaw, Desperate Dan style. I had a couple of ibuprofen and a sleep and Bob's your uncle. No bother. Easy. I might have the rest out.

£50 quid though, that hurt.

Love Has Found Its Way, Dennis Brown
Love Hangover, Diana Ross
I Bet You Thought I'd Never Find You, John Hendricks
Was That All It Was, Jean Carn
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, Gil Scott Heron
I'm On My Way, Dean Parrish
I Believe In Miracles, Jackson Sisters, 1976 One of my many funeral songs, a cracker!

Ebony and Ivory, Macca and Stevie, 1982, enough to make you pull your own teeth out

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