Martin en Tobias......
.....bumped into these chaps in Leith this evening. They'd spotted me sussing out a potential blip and popped over for a chat. Martin Riebeek and Tobias Mathijsen from the Netherlands are over in Scotland for two weeks, filming for their project on the essence of life. They were trotting about Duke Street with a lot of camera kit....they're not frightened these Dutch lads. Actually, they're from Breda which was the home of the tasty Oranjeboom beer, before the evil InBev empire shut the brewery.
Just had a look at Martin's website and there is a huge amount of output there, some very interesting stuff too.
I think I was about to get interviewed on camera, but I asked them to speak to my agent......
.....nah, they're phoning me tomorrow for a chat.
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