Yesterday we got up from our hotel bed at 4am, and went out hoping to see Capercaillie. We didn't.

Early this morning, what an experience. Thank you GT, who, when we were in the Findhorn Valley looking for Golden Eagles yesterday, helped us with this. To see a Capercaillie, in the wild, no video surveillance, just this brute chuntering away in the heather, was probably the most wonderful birding experience we have had to date. An amazing bird ....... so long as you have several yards and a large rock between you and it.

While we were watching, it quite happily sat imobile on a tree stump. It was only later, when walkers started to pass close by on the track, that it got a bit miffed. It then crossed the track and started clucking away from the heather when anyone passed. The problem is, it has rather a quiet call, and you'd need to be quick on your feet to avoid a pecking if he had a mind to chase you!

What a magnificent bird. Thank you GT and thank you Capercaillie.

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