This and that...

By Spottycups


Evening walk in the local forestry with the girls and the Mr. Took quite a lot of pictures: bluebells, dandelion clocks, and interesting tress... the usual - no deer which is what I was hoping for and what we often see at that time of day up there. Think they hide when a) they know you have a camera and b) my girls come storming through the trees playing sword fights with sticks and singing 'Kids In America' at full volume! *sigh* Anyway...

Among all my flower/tree pics I also had quite a few of ferns and decided on this one in the end. They're not the prettiest of plants maybe but I do love their weird curled up leaves - they always look like they might just uncurl in some sort of prehistoric/alien kind of way or like something from the 'Little Shop of Horrors'. Or maybe that's just me...?

And also many thanks for the lovely comments on yesterdays random/stuck for ideas pic :)

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