Paul by myself


No. 50!

Fifty blips in, a few hits many more misses but overall I feel it's a case of so far so good. I'm celebrating hitting the fifty mark with this snap of my Indiana Jones themed Mr. Potato Head, it was a gift from my eldest niece.

Now I know a lot of people think that they almost ruined the Indiana Jones series with The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull a couple of years ago. "He's too old!" they cried, "what's with the aliens?" the people asked, "what does Shia LeBeouf have on who to keep getting cast despite lacking any charisma or acting ability?" many people reasonably queried.

And they were right. It's pretty bad. They should have stopped at three films, as should the makers of Alien, The Omen and Jaws.

Three is not always the limit of course, The Transporter films or Final Destination for instance they could probably keep making indefinitely I'd say.

Anyway I'm just wittering on now, see you later!

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