Chasing the light

Work work work all day long and in beautiful sunshine and I am stuck indoors pouring over calandars trying to get concert dates etc etc.
Managed to take doggies for a nice wee plod through the forest then grabbed dinner and it was off with chubby hubby to chase the last remnants of light.
We got to Cragnish point and grabbed a few rather dark shots but what the heck!

Still a ginger minger but getting used to it though my youngest made off to Glasgow taking my hair brush so I am a rather prickly looking ginger!

Well tomorrow is the big day, somehow I must be thinking about it because last night I dreamt that the voting slips were like complicated Advent calandars!!!
I really need to get out more!

Anyhows I will be burning the midnight oil watching the pundits, the winners and the losers all doing their bit. Good luck to them all

Have a good voting day all my Scottish pals

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