Railway and Graveyard

This morning there was a good 4 earthquake which shook our house. This was where a boy was standing at the time, on the edge of the railway looking for trains. I went out to talk to him. He is living in our office and his mother and sister are living in a caravan in our driveway as their apartment building was destroyed in the recent earthquake. His school is damaged and he is School sharing with a local high school around the corner from us. The resident school go from 8- 12.45 and this "visiting" school from 1-6pm. Strange life can be at times.
The view was beautiful with the autumn colours and the bright sunlight, but it was coloured by his situation and the shaking of the ground as we spoke. I have added a layer of peeling paint to this photo to show that things can be so influenced by the layers, the ancient application and later fading and peeling of the past, which colours how we view things today. In this case I have graves for the people who were killed in the earthquake, numbers of whom they are saying in the paper today will never be identified, and bodies returned to families, and also I have left in the railway line, a journey. As it happened there turned out to be a glowing light thing happening in the photo at the end of the railway track so I left that in, as a hopeful sign of positive things in the future??

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