
These teeny weeny mini toadstools are growing by the fence around my house. A student from school walked past me, smirk on his face, while I was kneeling on the ground snapping away after school.

I smiled at him and he said hi and walked on past. I figure they already think I'm a bit weird, so no drama.

I had an okay day. Teaching 5 periods in a day makes me feel like I'm doing a five-hour performance. I am hot and tired by the end of the day. Headache and sore throat are not uncommon symptoms come 3.20 on a Thursday. It's just like that.

All I want to do is go home, get a glass of wine and have a bath with a good book.

Tonight, that isn't possible.

It's RR's leaving/Birthday do. I have to go and sparkle for a few hours. I'll think of it as an encore.

I found out that my Aunty BE is pretty sick today. So much so, that the family are saying that the end is nigh. They don't expect her to last much longer. She has heart failure and it looks as if it's got the better of her.

It's so sad. She's in her her 60s and my mum's big sister.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Her suffering in this world is almost over.

Love and hugs


Edit: Sad news. My Aunty BE died. Eternal rest grant to her Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest i peace. Amen

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