
I have been threatening to do this for a few weeks now, the deed is done.

After much research I settled on the s95. There were many contenders, including some the micro 4/3 group, but in the end the S95 was chosen. Said to be quite fast, full featured, shoots in RAW and Jpeg, good chip, and that solid Canon interface. And, I got it about $200 under list price, which truly sealed it. So far I am super impressed. By far the best P&S I have ever laid my hands on. Should be ideal for when it's just not right to be lugging the 7D around, like biking.

Busy day at work (there isn't any other type) and then at 5.30 a colleague and I jumped on our bikes, heading home via the Port Hills, and testing our new lights. Sadly as we got to the top of the hills, in the fog and utter darkness, my light failed. Bugger!

Thankfully Jonathon had a spare, albeit quite weak, and I slowly wended my way home. Lesson, always carry a spare! The problem was discovered when I got home, I had been charging it with the wrong charger - the battery was flat.

Hmm ...

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