Ink Polaroids

By inkpolaroids


So. Working from home today. Actually, that should be "working" from home today. I'm at home, but there's not much actual "work" being done, other than keeping the kids from killing each other. Whoever thought of the concept of holidays clearly did not have kids.

Anyroad, so this morning our eldest comes downstairs in a mood (as is their right at that age). Nothing to eat, nothing to do, nothing to see. Life sucks etc. Those of you with kids know the score.

So, it just happens I was fannying, sorry, not fannying, I meant critically appraising yet another camera replacement app when she sits down across from me and says "you're not taking a photo are you?"

"No" I lied. Life sucks.


(taken with ProCamera on an iPhone4, post processed with TiltshiftGen)

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