Nell's World

By nell2803

Craft Hope

The rain has returned.

Raining today but actually we needed some rain both for the garden and risk of forest fires. We had gorse fires here at the weekend and we saw around nine fire engines and a couple of ambulances race along our road. Thankfully they managed to get it under control. (We were not in any danger)

Due to the poor weather I took the opportunity to do a little sewing. This morning I made some fabric bracelets for Craft Hope. This is an online craft / charity which anyone can take part in. I have been involved in some of their projects before - made a quilt for a homeless person, knitted a scarf as a gift for someone coming out of foster care, bean bags for kids in an orphanage in Africa to help them learn to read and count. This project is about making bracelets to give to kids in Russia. The bracelets need not be in fabric, they can be made with beads and other materials. I always find that the projects involve things that I have already in the house and the biggest expenditure tends to be the postage.

Any crafty folks out there wanting to know more check out the website

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