Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Scratching & malting

I've got a bit of a problem. For the last few days I've been scratching and malting a lot more than normal. My owner doesn't know what's wrong with me. I get groomed every night before bedtime and there's so much hair coming off me that Ann says she could make another collie. I most definitely do not have fleas or any other beasties lurking in my fur.

Ann works with Simon (in this blip) and he used to run a pet shop so she asked him to inspect me. I could lie on my back and have my tummy tickled forever! Simon seemed to think that it was just because we have had such hot weather recently. Ann isn't convinced. She says if I don't go back to normal soon she'll phone the vet. If anyone can shed any light on this problem I'd appreciate it.

After all I want to be in tip top condition for a date with Ozzy, the retriever (see yesterdays blip). I've just looked at Ozzy's blip for today and it would seem that he's been practising his dancing for me. .......Yay, I knew he was just trying to play it cool!

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