Fluttering about
Mr B went off to 'the office' this morning (the house of our friends who have internet) and I went shopping with the kids. Their boredom with the huge mountain of stuff we needed to buy them for starting school was evident. As, unfortunately, was Conor's horrible behaviour when told he couldn't have something he wanted (a tiny book with 'chicken soup for the soul' type sayings inside, in case anyone thinks I'm being mean.) Definitely an occasion when I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me.
Once home, with lunch inside him, he was contrite. I have the bruises to remind him how unpleasant he was.
In contrast, a lovely afternoon pottering about: some reading in the garden and some more unpacking when the sun became too hot. The kids found this beautiful butterfly / moth. iPhones are not great for close ups, so I'd say this is not one to look at large.
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