Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Howya Buddies...

Keith Duffy, of Boyzone and Corrie fame, came to visit the kids in Princess' school today.

He is featured in their Guinness Book Of Records winning project from last year, the Worlds Largest Bead Mosaic.

In fairness, he is a pretty nice guy, and bigger than I thought. Even I would think twice about starting with him, and I have been known to slap muscle-heavy hunks before.....

But the best ever was the tour he made of the classrooms, to kids ranging in age from seven to thirteen, not his natural constituency these days....

There was a brief Q&A session with each group, and in one of the last, (Fourth Class, I think), he said....

"So, have yis anny questions for me?......"

To which one kid replied (he might be related to me, I think)...

"Yeah"....the kid says

"Who are ya?...."

Oh, how we laughed.....

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