Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

Dryad's Saddle

Spotted this (or is it these??) days ago, but it's taken a while to get them onto blip, as never have enough time to stop in the mornings and coming home I couldn't see which tree it was!

So had a small detour on the way to vote this evening.....could that voting paper have BEEN any longer??

As a bonus I managed to startle a couple of joggers as I uncurled myself from the long long grass and stepped out from behind the tree.
They had already been eyeing DS1 suspiciously as he was parked on the verge!

My identification has only been gleaned from google images, so if anyone has any other more correct knowledge I would love to know

And fingers crossed...sixth time lucky, looks like blip has been having a bit of bother tonight! Or maybe I have poncewaggoned one too many times, I knew the daisies would be my downfall!

Oh and there's a couple more pics on facebook.

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