Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


This is my beautiful son as he fast approaches the teenage years. He's already there in mind and his face is now slowly catching up. I'm sure it won't be long before he outgrows both me and his dad and possibly even his 'Big G' (big grandad) who is 6 foot 4. I've often thought how great it would be to take a photo in exactly the same pose every day of a pre-teen's face until they are about 22 and then play it back. It would be a fascinating video to watch - maybe I'll start tomorrow and do all 3 of my boys!

Today has been pretty boring. Work from home this morning and then in school this afternoon. That's it really, I won't bore you will all the details. I've got some supply tomorrow afternoon in a school I haven't worked in before so that should be interesting/terrifying/fun!

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