Liberation Day
As long as I live WW II Liberation Day is celebrated on May 5th in the Netherlands ? up till some 5 years ago the liberators of 1945 came over from UK, Canada and USA and they joined in in the parades and parties of commemoration. Now 66 years onwards most liberators of 1945 have perished and Liberation Day seems to be of a new order.
Enjoying a walk over the new dunes I was suddenly taken at gun point? FREEZE !!
Young boys playing with their obvious toys GUNS
Memories and thoughts flashed thro? my mind, thoughts of the present like These boys must have seen quite some impressive actions movies as they move quickly and almost professional. And I thought that these puppies do look like new rangers, new body guards and new liberators? and to others they may look like terrorists?.
And I remembered the ancient and fervid decisions friends and I took over our young sons whom we would not give guns and rifles ever! We loathed violence and did not give violent toys like rifles and guns to our babies! And yet our boys played with guns and rifles from tree branches and plastic pipes ?.. and ofcourse they got their toy guns too, from their papa?s and grandpapa?s at the least. Now 2½ decades onwards all our sons are young grown ups and they seem to take now our attitudes against weapons as theirs. I love this change of wheel of life
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