jeni and the beans

By themessymama

May the 4th be...

I can't bring myself to finish the sentence. I can't!

Today you get to see the other side of Ben. The over-tired, really really fed up side. The side that screams and yells because he didn't want to be carried in from cleaning his teeth in the bathroom into the bedroom to find mummy, he wanted to walk to find mummy himself. The side that goes into meltdown because mummy took the bowl from the table into the kitchen to refill it with flapjack (yes the apricot stuffed flapjack that I'm still fed up about having to share), rather than bring the flapjack tub to the table.

My goodness but if things don't get done the "right" way round then it's full-scale meltdown at the moment!! And mummy and daddy are not psychic as much as Ben thinks we are so it happens a fair old bit. Thankfully they don't last long, I've discovered a lot of things that are good distractions and generally they work so he doesn't tend to keep these transgressions by us in his mind. (I really feel for
Orla's mummy at this point who was reminded about the breadstick nibbling incident hours later at bedtime...)

Anyway. What have we done today. Managed to get up and out again, this time to Little Fish across the road from us. Ben enjoys himself there. Breakfast had actually been a really quite early affair so he was ready for a snack and a drink by the time we got there (up until now we would have only just finished breakfast by the time we had to go out!). We got home and ended up in the garden, hanging out clean nappies and chopping back a few rampant weeds and watering some very thirsty plants. More fool me. I didn't feel the hunger sneaking up on me and by the time we got back inside I was ready to keel over.

Yes I was sick. Ben was so lovely though. As soon as I started heaving he put his hand on mine, saying "oh dear mummy, oh dear - daddy home soon, mummy. Mummy want daddy, yeah. Oh dear, mummy. Ben cuddle mummy hand. Mummy finish? Mummy finish. Ok now?" And so my little boy makes up for all the stressy times!

Midwife came round at 2pm. Just - typically - as Ben had decided he'd had enough and wanted to settle down for boobie cuddles. She was lovely though, and Ben sat with us for a little while until he got bored and couldn't really settle to sleep with her there. He took a bowl of grapes out into the front room while we went through all the booking in paperwork. It only took an hour, I'd been warned it could take a LOT longer. When we'd finished the paperwork I was told to go and provide a wee sample and when I got back she announced she'd be taking blood as well!! Aaargh. At least I didn't have any time to panic. She told me she was the one they sent for when others couldn't get blood out of a patient. And I believe her. I hardly felt a thing. I've had too many bad experiences with blood being taken, hence my fear of needles in general. But it would appear my fear of dentistry now far exceeds the fear of needles in general... I don't think my heartrate rose at all. Blood taken and off she went, leaving behind the biggest set of notes ever. Which are pretty much obsolete already as my diabetes / pregnancy care plan supersedes them immediately!

Ben and I crawled into bed after a midafternoon snack. We had a lovely sleep. Unfortunately we left it too long after waking up to have anything to eat and I spent another very uncomfortable evening feeling very poorly. I did manage some lovely dinner though, Steve cooked potatoes and carrots and broccoli and sausages and Ben decided at long last that carrots were an acceptable form of food and actually well worth eating! He's still not eaten any more broccoli since that first time a few weeks ago, but hey, who cares. He ate it once. He may eat it again one day. And he likes carrots! and grapes!

This Mr Grumpy was after dinner, after half a movie to digest a little (was it Bee Movie? Or Up? I forget now), a sudden "I'm tired and want mummy and nothing else will do" switch got flicked. But we got there in the end. And Grumpy-guts took ages to go to sleep even then, and ended up going to sleep with his head near my knees and feet in my armpit with my hand "cuddling" his tummy. He's never gone to sleep top to toe like that before, not in his bed anyway.

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