Club 107

By club107

The decay of modern democracy

A very long day. I guess it all began here, it was at the UK elections last year that EcoDad introduced me to blip, it just took me a month to get the proverbial finger out and here I am back again doing the election gig, possibly the most surreal activity I have decided to do. Let's face it posting photos every day is positively mundane compared to the virtual imprisonment of being confined to about 10 square feet for 15 hours, repeating the same phrase again and again. Very weird.

So you will forgive my lack of responsiveness, I have failed in my commenting duties for days, many people to catch up with, I will be back.

It was a long day, it will be a short night, but somehow I do enjoy it. Some utterly surreal moments, the weirdest of which was bumping into a prospective candidate from my youth who was astonished I told him I had worn badges from his campaign. I'd never met him let alone spoken to him before but it was an entertaining encounter.

Due to some people feeling the cold it felt like


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