through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


I'm still processing.

My first year of college... officially OVER.

NO words can describe what I went through this whole year. Heartbreaks, blessings, hurts, joys... it was an adventure. God definitely broke me down layers after layers this year. I sometimes thought He was being unfair, breaking me down to the point I couldn't handle but right when the storm is over, it always all makes sense at the end.

God is good. All the time.

Summer's rolling right around the corner and it'll be a fresh start. I know there will be more heartbreaks and even joys coming my way but with Him holding my hand, I know I'll be able to make it all through. Just as He promised in Jeremiah 29:11 and He doesn't break His promises.

Sorry I haven't been blipping - finals were killing me! To the point that I got sick and lost my voice for two days ):

This Saturday will be a college fellowship retreat so I'll see you guys in a week!

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