By paradoxicalove

Hello Fantasy

?Fantasies are more than substitutes for unpleasant reality; they are also dress rehearsals, plans. All acts performed in the world begin in the imagination.?
-Barbara Harrison

Math test today, think it went good, based on what our math teacher usually gives us, it's a level 4. (: Also full credit on a poetry quiz. Yay.

So today we had another tennis match and we won with a tiebreaker with my partner Lena. She got a lot better over the season. :) We got along great.

Cam back and chatted with a good friend, jogged, took pictures of the Volt and outside, and played the piano till 9:30.

Now Yash is bothering me. :P

Don't you wonder if there are really limits of capability, or truly all fantasies become our reality if we believe hard enough?

Aren't we burdened in our hearts?

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