
By Ilaria

What can I say.....Slainte mhath!!!! Cheers!!

In Scottish Gaelic, the word for 'cheers' is slainte mhath, meaning 'good health'!!! It is pronounced 'slaancha vaa'.......

Well today is proving a hugely important day for Scotland. Irrelevent of whether folk agree with the results, it still is hugely important in terms of it's political statement!! And today I would be unable to hide the fact that I am SO proud to be Scottish!!

I have such a strong sense of that...and firmly believe that everyone should be proud of their cultural roots!! Whatever they are. It's part of who we are as individuals!! And for me, being Scottish, way back through our family tree, is something I feel very deeply about!!

People say things like 'nationalism is divisive'. I can never get my head round that!!! It's got nothing to do with anger and hate, just about accepting and celebrating that Scotland is it's own country!! Even a close friend said this to me recently...about the divisiveness!! She is so proud of her Italian roots....and when I asked her if she would like to get rid of all boundaries between individual countries in Europe, and just be vaguely 'European'...I think she started to get how many Scottish people feel! Just proud, and Scottish!! Not vaguely British!! And CERTAINLY NOT full of hate!! That is a sickening notion!!

My dream when I retire, would be to move down to the Lake District to live. I love it there.... and it's so beautifully English. But I'll always be a Scot. And all you English, Welsh and Irish.....BE PROUD!!!!!!!! Personal identity and roots matter...celebrate them!!!

The shot is a glass with my family name...'Macpherson'...and motto....'Touch not the cat but a glove' engraved on it!! It's full of a lovely Scottish whisky liqueur called Glayva!!! Mmmmm!! I don't mind whisky, but prefer this...and will be off to down it shortly!!! Lol!!!

The other item is a Scottish QUAICH....a Scottish cup of Friendship!!! Which I extend to you all!!!

Here's to being proud of our identity and roots....and to friendship between all people!!!!
With a celebration and sharing of the richness of those differences!!!!

Again......SLAINTE VAA......

(there's a little accent over that first 'a', but I can't get that on the computer!!!!)


'Tis a braw day!!!!!! :-)))))

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