No time to waste?

By jt

Fascinating Day

Well, well, well.... I expected an SNP win in the Scottish Parliament elections - but didn't expect this.... Very interesting result, though I don't think we can assume independence will follow - many SNP voters (of which I was half of one this time round) would not vote for independence (me included), but it does mean it's going to be a fascinating 5 years!

Looks like AV will be rejected too. I initially supported it, because I think we need major change in Westminster politics. However, I think AV ould be at least as bad a system, if not worse - certainly a Northern Irish friend suggested that AV would merely restrict seats to the two main parties in NI, potentially polarising the sectarian divide.

Anyway, that's enough politics for here. Enjoyed a walk in the usual park - no squirrel sightings today, and you're stuck with a Robin. A redbreast, though I'm not trying to make any sort of political comment with that!

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