A Foto in the Life of...

By inthelifeof


To friends new and old, young and not so young ;)
To friends who we haven't seen in ages but when we do meet it's like we've never been apart!
To friends we're just getting to know... seeing how God has brought them into our lives for this season, or maybe even a life time!
To friendships restored... How God pours out His love to heal our hearts and bring two broken ones together again :)
To friendships renewed... those old friends brought back into our lives :)
To friends who know us so well, we can talk without words.
To those missed friends in far away countries... who knows when we will meet again!
To those friends who also believe... one day we spend eternity in heaven :)
To those almost friends who we didn't quite have the courage to get to know.
To those friends who have slipped on by, who we don't see anymore... May we not dwell on the mistakes of the past, that we miss the present that God has given us now and may we treasure each friendship we have today, a gift from God, whether it will be just for a day, a month, a season or a life time. Let us remind our friends we love them... and we thank God for them :)

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